Promote the development of applied research that contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Water and Sanitation.

Join the Network
We seek to articulate academia and governments for the exchange of knowledge and the development of research related to water and sanitation in the Latin American and Caribbean region within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Encourage the review an analysis of data and information on the OLAS platform while promoting improved methodology for the production of high-quality water and santiation data.
Train multidisciplinary human capital to meet the professionalization challenges of the Water and Sanitation Sector.
Encourage the exchange of information, experiences and capacities on relevant issues for the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals in Water and Sanitation among scientific researchers, universities, research centers and sector actors.
We seek to articulate academia and governments for the exchange of knowledge and the development of research related to water and sanitation topics in the Latin American and Caribbean region within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Meet the institutions that are part of the network.