Prioritize sanitation in national development policies, including sustainable and sustainable management of wastewater, solid waste, excreta disposal, and promotion of good hygiene practices.

Latin American Sanitation Conference (Latinosan) Cali, Colombia 2007
Cali, Colombia
The main themes of the first Latinosan Conference were: i) Sanitary education, hygiene and excreta disposal; ii) Solid waste management; iii) Domestic wastewater management; iv) Institutional and financial management; and v) Pollution prevention and control.
Key Takeaways
The conclusions reached at the first Latinosan conference were:
Increase commitment to achieving the sanitation MDGs through convenient communication, robust monitoring data and evidence.
Mobilize national and local governments, institutions, lenders, private sector and UN agencies to define and execute the necessary steps.
Secure commitments to review, develop and implement actions to implement programs and strengthen sanitation policies.
Increase the financing, sustainability and effectiveness of available sanitation solutions to further the achievement of the MDGs.
Creation of an inter-country LATINOSAN group with high-level members to meet annually and organize a similar event in three years to monitor progress.
Event documents
- Declaration of Cali Declaration of Cali