Investment: innovative financing schemes in the face of global water and sanitation change 2022 - 21 de Septiembre
We extend a cordial invitation to participate in the virtual seminars of the Academic Meeting "Sanitation, a call to action" that will be held weekly during September and October as part of the preparatory activities of the OLAS Research and Development Network at the VI Latin American and Caribbean Conference on Water and Sanitation (LATINOSAN).
The general objective of the academic meeting is to provide a space for scientific exchange and discussion on advances in relevant topics that contribute to achieving universal and sustainable access to water and sanitation in Latin America and the Caribbean. The seminars have been co-organized with various universities in the region.
The first webinar entitled "Investment: Innovative financing schemes in the face of global change in water and sanitation " will be held on September 14 at 17:00 h EST (Mex 16:00 / Bol 17:00 / Br 18:00), will last approximately one and a half hours and has been co-organized with the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México. The following is the program of the webinar.
To register for the first seminar click here. You will also be able to follow the first seminar through the University's Gota de Agua Museum channels here.
The invitation is open to the general public, so we encourage you to share it with other interested parties.
The program of the seminar is presented below: